Monday saw a push for Obamacare enrollment in Madison and Dane County, with the deadline approaching for people to sign up or shop for a new plan at Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin – who while serving in the U.S. House helped to write the Affordable Care Act – said Obamacare has been a success in Wisconsin, with 139,000 people signed up as of May of this year.
“This time we did something different with the website. First off, we made sure it worked,” joked U.S. Representative Mark Pocan, refering to the well-documented problems with the federal website. “It is faster, it is simpler, it is more intuitive.”
Oma Vic McMurray, a family daycare provider in Madison, shared her Obamacare story. “The Affordable Care Act isn’t just improving my access to health care. It has made my life much more humane,” she said.
With the second year of sign ups for the Affordable Care Act underway, Wisconsin residents who don’t have insurance are being urged to take advantage of the federal marketplace. Even if already signed last year, you can go onto to shop for a better plan this year. The deadline is December 15th.