A tough problem, tackled by a small company in Racine, could prove to be a game-changer for the aviation industry and create over 100 jobs. DeltaHawk Engines Inc. is receiving almost $2 million in loans from the state & city. The money is to expand production of highly anticipated diesel engines weighing less than 400-pounds with the kind of mileage found in cars.
“We have a literally customers calling us up everyday saying ‘I want your engine’ and it’s been a very frustrating time for us because we’ve not yet been able to deliver. We’ve still been in the R-and-D phase.”
Webb says it’s been a tough 16 years leading up to the anticipated FAA certification due in part to the difficulty in developing the technology and being a small operation with financial challenges
DeltaHawk was courted by other communities, other states, and even other countries, but Webb says “our heart is in Racine” as the community has been supportive.
The military is expected be a big part of the firm’s future along with strong growth expected in Asia.
Tom Karkow-WRJN