Racine Police officer Brinelle Nabors is being charged on allegations that he threw a 14-year old-to the ground, punched and slammed him against lockers at Park High School in 2015. In court on Thursday, his defense attorney Patrick Cafferty wanted charges dismissed.

“Officer Nabors represented on two different occasions and consitsently that he felt resistive tension, and was reacting to what he felt,” Cafferty said.

Court Commissioner John Bjelajac was unpersuaded. “There are allegations here supporiing the three counts contained in the complaint. I do rule probable cause existing. ”

The Kenosha County D-A’s office is prosecuting the case against Nabors, who’s on paid leave and is due back in court May 23rd. He’s charged with a felony count of misconduct in public office and misdemeanor counts of battery and disorderly conduct.

In 2016, the city of Racine settled a federal lawsuit filed by the student for $400,000.


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