Illinois has become the latest Midwestern state to raise the speed limit on its interstate highway system to 70 miles an hour, and there are some who want to see Wisconsin catch up to its neighbor. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) recently came out in favor of making a similar change in Wisconsin and a bill could be introduced this week that would allow traffic to move a little faster on Wisconsin roads.

State Senator Fred Risser (D-Madison) says it’s a change he expects to support, noting that many drivers are already ignoring the 65 mph speed limit that’s in place on Wisconsin’s highway system. Risser wonders if it would make much difference to most drivers anyway, arguing that a cultural change is needed to get drivers to abide by speed limits.

AUDIO: Sen. Fred Risser (:23)

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 36 states have speed limits of 70 mph or higher on some portion of their roadway systems.

John Colbert, WIBA

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