A small rally was held at 1st District Congressman Paul Ryan’s Racine office Tuesday, as the House of Representatives began debating a measure to repeal the health care reform law. Brian Rothgery, the Organizing Director of Citizen Action, called the attempt to repeal the law, which he said is working, an irresponsible political stunt. “When politicians like Paul Ryan engage in stunts like voting on repeal, that doesn’t solve any problems, that doesn’t make anything better,” said Rothgery. ‘We’re here to ask congressman Ryan to act like an adult and be constructive instead of playing political games.”
Bob Haase, a retired iron worker, said he’s disturbed by Ryan’s position, and he supports health care reform, not just for him, but for his children and grandchildren. “Health care is in dire straits in this country and it’s time we get a good positive program that’s going to work for all of us,” he said. “Entrepreneurs are the one’s who create jobs,” said Bob Beezat of Mount Pleasant, who held a sign saying Create Jobs, Keep Health Care. “One of the hardest things to do when you’re hiring people . . . is not only to pay a fair wage but you have to provide health(care), and that’s very difficult, I think it discourages people. One way to create jobs in this country is through entrepreneurs. You keep the jobs here, you won’t lose them to overseas.”
Marcia Colsmith of Raymond, who said she has an uncovered preexisting condition, held a sign saying My knee deserves health care. “My right knee is excluded from my health insurance policy, so I was looking forward to 2014 when the provision kicks in that they couldn’t exclude boy parts and conditions from your coverage.”
Ryan said earlier this week that while a vote in the House would come this week since the Democratic controlled Senate is not expected to act, he believes the real action will occur in the courts.