A record amount of phone numbers are registered on the state's No Call list.

Wisconsin's Do-Not-Call list for telemarketers contains about a half-million more names than it did a year ago at this time.

"We have 1.6-million people on the no call list and it's a record and the reason why … we had people signing up their cell phones."

Glen Loyd with Wisconsin Consumer Protection says new legislation in 2008 allowed cell phones to be included on the list.

"This was the first time that cell phones were allowed on the no call list and people really responded and we expect there will be a lot more cell phones come April on the next list."

Almost 422,000 cell phone numbers are on the list, along with all those landline numbers. In fact, Loyd says about 44,000 cell numbers were added in just one day. The newly updated no-call list takes effect today (New Year's Day).

If you're not yet on the list, you can register your number for the next quarterly installment which is updated on April 1. Visit NoCall-Dot-Wisconsin-Dot-Gov, or call toll free: 1-866-9NO-CALL.

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report (1:16)

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