Enjoy your hot dog, but take a minute to remember those who paid the ultimate price defending our nation’s freedom and democracy.
The unofficial kick-off to summer is under way with a vacation from work, while we enjoy brats, beer, yard work, and fun outdoors; but Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary John Scocos reminds us Memorial Day is a time to remember the fallen.
“These brave men and women are family members, neighbors, co-workers, and many more who will not be forgotten.”
The federal holiday pays tribute to men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who lost their lives in service to this country. On what started as Decoration Day, volunteers put flowers on the graves of those lost in the Civil War.
Memorial Day should not be mistaken for Veterans Day. “On Memorial Day we honor those who gave their lives for our freedom,” Scocos explains, “On Veterans Day we honor those veterans that are still serving and those who served and are back in our communities … and remember them for their service to our country. Today our nation is really in solemn remembrance of those defenders of democracy.”
Scocos urges folks, if they haven’t already, to take a few minutes to attend a ceremony honoring the war dead or to visit the graves of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
The National Moment of Remembrance is scheduled for 3 p.m. local time to, according to its founder, “help put the memorial back in Memorial Day.”
Scocos is participating in several events throughout the state, and plans to take his two sons to the grave site of his dad, who served in World War II.