An environmental impact report has been filed for a proposed large-scale dairy near Wisconsin Rapids.
The Wysocki Family Companies filed the environmental impact report to the Department of Natural Resources, as was required. The family is attempting to build a dairy operation with over four thousand cows, and over 5,300 total animals with the calves and heifers.
The location in the Town of Saratoga would also have about 6,400 acres of crops supporting the animal operation.
Many oppose the planned mega-dairy, including Saratoga Town Board officials, which are involved in court action for denying permits. Opponents are concerned about several issues, including the effect of high capacity wells and the management of manure waste to keep it out of groundwater and streams.
The Wysocki companies have put highlights of the report on their website, while the DNR will post the entire report at a later date after and internal review is completed. The DNR now has sixty days to review the Wysocki report, and respond.