Photo: Wisconsin DNR

Photo: Wisconsin DNR

Trapping was once again was once again the weapon of choice during Wisconsin’s second wolf hunting and trapping season. A report from the Department of Natural Resources shows 70 percent of the 257 wolves harvested during the 2013 season were caught using foothold traps.

DNR Large Carnivore Specialist David MacFarland says the season was fairly consistent when compared to 2012. The one major difference was in the use of dogs, after a court order was lifted that kept them from being used to track wolves during the first season. Dogs were listed as being used to track and claim 35 of the wolves registered by hunters during the 2013 season, despite there only being only a single hunting zone left open by the time they were permitted in early December.

Outside of traps and dogs, all but one hunter used a gun to harvest a wolf. The one exception was a hunter in northwestern Wisconsin who used a bow and arrow.

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