There will be no recount in Wisconsin’s 85th state Assembly District. Representative Mandy Wright conceded the election on Tuesday. Wright trailed David Heaton by 86 votes on Election Night out of more than 22,000 ballots cast. After the canvass, Heaton’s lead was 85 votes. Wright was entitled to a recount since her margin of defeat was less than one-half-of-one-percent. The recount must be requested by the losing candidate. Wright has declined to make that request.

Wright, a Democrat from Wausau, served in the state legislature for one term. Heaton’s victory will increase the Republican majority in the assembly to 63-36 if the results hold another close election. Republican Todd Novak was leading Democrat Dick Cates by 59 votes in the 51st District. The new legislative session begins on January 14.


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