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It appears Republicans will return next session with larger majorities in the state Legislature.

Republicans managed to claim multiple open seats in the state Senate, clearing the way for GOP lawmakers to return next session with a 19 seat majority in the chamber. The party was able to pick up an extra seat, winning 11 of the 17 races on the ballot Tuesday. Among the key races were the open 17th Senate District, where Republican Howard Marklein won retiring Senator Dale Schultz seat, and Republican Roger Roth’s victory in the 19th Senate District, the seat of retiring Senate President Mike Ellis. Democrats had needed to pick up two seats Tuesday in order to reclaim a majority in the chamber.

Over in the Assembly, Republicans were headed towards another session of holding at least 60 seats in the chamber, with the possibility of adding at least two more. As of this morning, unofficial returns had Republican candidates with slight leads in the 51st and 85th Assembly districts, with recounts possible in those races.

The victories will mean at least another two years of Republican control at the Capitol, with Governor Scott Walker also declaring victory in Tuesday’s elections.

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