The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote Thursday on stem cell research. Lawmakers in Washington will vote on a resolution in support of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research that's virtually identical to the bill President Bush vetoed last year — the only bill he's vetoed so far.

Sue Armacost with Wisconsin Right to Life notes Democrats now control Congress and may think they can override a veto this time. Armacost says that would be unfortunate in light of problems with embryonic stem cells. "No human subject has ever been treated with them," says Armacost. Add to that reports this week of a breakthrough in development of stem cells from amniotic fluid, and Armacost questions the need for this vote; "we have to wonder why in the world there is this continued emphasis on an unethical procedure that can't even be used in human trials."

Armacost says the legislation mandates that taxpayers foot the bill for destruction of human embryos for research purposes.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:65 MP3)

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