Wisconsin's budget deadlock has ended after more than three months. And in order to get the deal done, each side had to give something. "The biggest compromise for Senate Democrats was giving up Healthy Wisconsin , our universal health care plan," said Majority Leader Judy Robson." That happened nearly a month ago, but more recently, Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch had to accept something which many members of his Republican caucus did not want. "Accepting a tax increase, even though it was the cigarette tax increase, that was probably the biggest challenge," said Huebsch. Smokers will pay a dollar more per pack under the terms of the deal. Governor Jim Doyle didn't get everything he wanted, either, as a provision which would have required insurers to cover health care costs for children with autism did not make it into the budget compromise. Assembly Minority Leader Jim Kreuser mentioned the decision not to fund the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee commuter line .

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:54 MP3)

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