A former Wisconsin lawmaker has officially announced he will seek the state Senate seat being vacated by Mike Ellis. Roger Roth issued this statement Monday:
“I am encouraged by the tremendous outpouring of support from my friends, family and neighbors across the Fox Valley and I know that I can once again be a strong voice in Madison. I have always believed that it is an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Wisconsin and I greatly look forward to doing my part as a citizen legislator to continue moving our great state forward.”
Roth, who lost in a 2010 primary for the 8th Congressional District to eventual winner Reid Ribble (R-Shorewood), gave up his Appleton-area seat in the Wisconsin Assembly. The military veteran is the lone Republican to enter the 19th state Senate district race. Appleton’s Penny Bernard Schaber is the only Democrat that has announced a bid for that seat. Ellis chose not to seek re-election in the wake of an undercover video showed him making some controversial comments.