University of Wisconsin System President Jay Rothman says students participating in the Wisconsin Tuition Promise have “skin in the game.” Rothman was asked about the program last week at the Capitol.

Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee Chair Dave Murhpy (R-Greendale) said some lawmakers would like to be able to bring some students into the system who maybe otherwise wouldn’t be there, but have concerns. “If there’s no skin in the game, if it’s free, does it become somewhat devalued?”

“Taking tuition off the table doesn’t make college free. You still have housing, you still have books, you still have transportation, you still have to eat,” said Rothman. He recounted meeting with students who are working while in school. “I believe, Mr. Chairman, they have a lot of skin in the game. A whole lot of skin in the game.”

The Wisconsin Tuition Promise funds up to four years of tuition and fees for students from families earning less than $62,000 a year, at any UW campus except Madison. It also carries a work requirement.

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