Paul Ryan made his pitch to the nation Wednesday night, and the Janesville congressman delivered a message of urgency on the challenges facing the nation. “I’m going to level with you: we don’t have that much time,” Ryan warned as he accepted his party’s nomination for vice-president. “But if we are serious, and smart, and we lead, we can do this. After four years of government trying to divide up wealth, we will get America creating wealth again.
Ryan hammered President Obama on stimulus spending, which he characterized as “borrowed, spent and wasted.” He said that Americans who are feeling left out have not failed, but that their leadership has. “None of us should have to settle for the best this administration offers. A dull, adventureless journey from one entitlement to the next. A government planned life. A country where everything is free but us.” Still, Ryan pledged that he and Mitt Romney would protect and preserve Medicare, noting that millions of seniors, including his own mother, rely on the program.
Ryan said the Obama presidency began with great promise. “Now, all that’s left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired. Grasping at a moment that has already passed, like a ship trying to sail on yesterday’s wind.”
Romney is scheduled to accept the GOP nomination for president on the convention’s final night in Tampa.