Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan says he has an alternative to Obamacare. The First District Congressman says Democrats and the White House have been claiming no viable Republican alternative to Obamacare. On WRJN Monday, Ryan said that’s not true.
“We spent the month of September and October offering different solutions, offering different ideas, delaying this mandate or that mandate, easing this penalty on taxpayers or that penalty, all of which were rejected out of hand,” Ryan says.
The Janesville Republican said he will once again offer a comprehensive alternative healthcare plan as he did four years ago. “If we help people buy health insurance in the marketplace, no matter who they are,no matter how much money they have, no what their health care condition, there’s way of doing that without running it through the government, without this costly website, without the government having possession of all your personal information,” Ryan said.
“If you want to buy a catastrophic plan with an HSA underneath it, you ought to be able to buy that,” he said. “Obamacare doesn’t let you do things like that, and that’s where we really have a problem with this law. Give people the freedom to buy what they want, and then have taxpayers subsidize not the entire system with price controls, but people with preexisting conditions.”
Ryan said “I really worry the worst is yet to come with respect to this law, based on all the evidence we’ve been given in Congress.”