With less than a week to go before the November 6th election, another poll is out in the race for president and US Senate in Wisconsin.
The poll, from the Saint Norbert College Strategic Research Institute, gives President Obama a 51-42 percent lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The survey also found former Republican Governor Tommy Thompson leading Democratic Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin 46-43 percent in the US Senate race.
Poll analyst Wendy Scattergood says the results show crossover voters, those who are supporting Obama in the presidential race and Thompson in the Senate race, tend to be centrists and independents. She says over half described themselves as fiscal conservatives, but they support Obama on social issues.
AUDIO: Wendy Scattergood (:11)
About five percent of voters polled remain undecided in the presidential race. Scatter good says respondents were more likely to change their minds on the Senate race than they were on the presidential ticket.
Rick Schuh, WHBY