As the New Year gets under way, our state veterans’ leader is looking ahead at taking care of our veterans.

“I think this year, 2008, is going to be the year of the 21st Century veteran.”

Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary John Scocos says his agency will continue working with the state and with the federal VA to look at new programs in order to meet the needs of Wisconsin’s military veterans.

“And when we talk about new programs we need to look at how we can continue to work with PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also the Traumatic Brain Injuries – TBI, with our returning veterans; where are we going to find the funding to do that.”

Scocos says it’s going to be yet another tight budgetary year in the Badger State. Healthcare and education are two of the most important issues for veterans, and WDVA will focus a lot of time and effort on those issues.

“We need to work hand-in-hand with Governor Doyle, who’s been a great supporter of these veterans in our state. I had the opportunity when I first got back from Iraq to be at a bill signing and again Governor Doyle’s been tremendous and did not compromise on the education issue.”

Scocos says when he was serving in Iraq, many Wisconsin soldiers personally spoke with him specifically about the Veterans Tuition Remission program, and how they were looking forward to getting an education and reintegrating back into society. Scocos says, this year, his department will also focus on making sure veterans know what benefits are available to them. There are an estimated 450,000 living veterans in Wisconsin .

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report (1:36 MP3)

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