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He hasn’t made it official yet, but this weekend Governor Scott Walker heads to Iowa, to meet and greet people who could help him if he decides to run for President in 2016. Whether it’s Washington D. C. faces like Senator Marco Rubio, or those with governor experience, like Rick Perry, Walker said he has a unique message.

“From our standpoint, we’re starting to share a little bit of the message of what we’ve accomplished here in the state of Wisconsin, of who I am, and what we’ve done here in the state,” Walker said during a stop in DePere on Thursday.

Walker said it’s all about promoting the Wisconsin comeback. “My belief is, talking to voters here in the state and around the country, is that people want someone new, someone fresh with big bold ideas from outside of Washington.”

Walker – and a gaggle of other GOP presidential hopefuls – is scheduled to attend the weekend Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines on Saturday. The event hosted Citizens United and Iowa Congressman Steve King is billed as “a launch point for conservative ideas as we head towards 2016.”

Walker said there will be no announcement of his candidacy until after state lawmakers adopt a new 2 year state budget.


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