The state Senate votes to limit the veto power of Wisconsin governors. The vote was unanimous, in support of a constitutional amendment limiting the so-called “Frankenstein veto” that allows governors to stitch together legislation. Some Senators, such as Milwaukee area Republican Alberta Darling, suggested a need fore more: “while I think this reform is extremely important and I support it, I think we need to go further, so that we can have more accountability, more integrity.”

But Middleton Democrat Jon Erpenbach voiced a cautionary note, on any further restriction of the veto. “We could very much end up like Congress,” he warned. We'll end up with pieces of legislation that are loaded, just loaded,” with provisions a governor might be forced to accept if they can't be vetoed out.

State voters will get a chance to support the amendment, it will be on the ballot in next April's statewide amendment.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:55 MP3)

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