Republicans took control of the U.S. Senate in last week’s midterm elections and, despite moving to the minority, Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) says her job will remain the same next year. The Wisconsin Democrat says she plans to continue focusing on representing the people of the state and will try to find common ground with the new Republican majority.
“We know we have a lagging economy here in our state, and there’s still much to be done,” Baldwin says. “I think a lot of things can be done on a bipartisan basis, if we work together.”
Baldwin says some of her priorities will include focusing on policies that can improve workforce readiness through technical colleges and creating a level playing field for workers in industries where there is global competition. “We’re a manufacturing state” and “when there’s a level playing field, Wisconsin workers always come out ahead.”
Republicans have touted the fact that their majorities in both the Senate and House will allow them to pass a federal budget without President Obama. Baldwin points out that, while there are special rules for the budget, the GOP will still need 60 votes in the Senate to advance other aspects of their agenda. She says “if the Republican majority is serious about governing, rather than playing politics, they’ll recognize that fact.”