A state Senator has issued a mea culpa after sharing a derogatory tweet that referred to Governor Scott Walker with an expletive, on the popular social media platform Twitter. While the retweet in question had been deleted from Senator Dave Hansen’s feed as of Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) issued a press release demanding an apology:
“I will be discussing Senator Hansen’s ridiculous and disgusting comments about the Governor with the Senate Minority Leader. I have asked the State Senate’s technology services director to look into this matter further. In the meantime, Senator Hansen should apologize to the Governor and his constituents.”
Hansen (D-Green Bay) took responsibility in issuing an apology a short time later:
“While attempting to share a social media comment concerning new limits on political corruption investigations, I inadvertently retweeted a message that contained a foul and derogatory reference to Governor Walker and persons with disabilities. It was not the post I intended to retweet, but it is my mistake and my responsibility just the same.”
“I apologize to Governor Walker and anyone offended by the remark. Although he and I disagree on many issues, I abhor the kind of language used in the original tweet. It is offensive, shows a lack of respect for our fellow human beings, Governor Walker and the office he holds and does not belong in civil discourse.”
A spokesman in Senator Hansen’s office said Tuesday that Hansen had intended to repost a Twitter message stating: “Hey @GovWalker, why are John Doe investigations OK for uncovering illegal activity everywhere but the state capitol?” Hansen the inadvertently retweeted a reply to that tweet: “Cause @ScottWalker is a (expletive) with no morals or common sense. He & his cronies have destroyed Wisconsin. Nice job.”