A Wisconsin state senator says he’ll allow legislation which would implement federal health care reform in the state to die in a committee he chairs. The bill (AB 210) has passed the state Assembly, but now state Senator Frank Lasee says he’ll kill it in his Senate committee. “It’s complying and moving us towards health exchanges, and complying in greater measure with ObamaCare, and I don’t think that’s good for the state,” said DePere Republican Frank Lasee.
Lasee, who’s also running for the U.S. Senate, has been an opponent of the health care reform law, and says the state will be better off waiting on the outcome of legal challenges. “Most of the provisions of ObamaCare don’t come into effect until January 1st, 2014. We have a November 2012 election before then. We should wait to find out how this is changed or repealed before we do anything,” he said.
Lasee said he’s concerned that the Walker administration has accepted 49 million dollars to help implement “ObamaCare.” Lasee chairs the Senate Committee on Insurance and Housing.
AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60)