U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says he’s disappointed by a report released by Democrats that details the torturing of terrorism suspects.
The report documents torture carried out by CIA agents after 9-11 during interrogations, offering an often gruesome look at techniques used to gain information about potential terrorist attacks. Senator Johnson (R-WI) says he does not feel torture elicits much useful intelligence information, a fact he believes the report backs up. The Republican from Oshkosh says that’s something he learned when visiting Guantanamo Bay and talked to interrogators, who showed the best information comes from “detaining these terrorists and just talking to them over years.”
Despite the national conversation sparked by the release of the intelligence report, Johnson argues the documents should have remained classified. He says it’s a legitimate debate for America to have, but “let’s not air all of our dirty laundry for the entire world to see, particularly our enemies. I’d kind like to have our enemies guessing, not fully aware of exactly how far we’ll go.”
Johnson believes terrorist groups could use the report to help recruit more people to their cause.