A “two-for-one” warning from the state's Consumer Protection office.

Shake Flashlights. You shake them and they create their own energy supply. They're a novelty item sold not only at stores but car shows and flea markets. Some work. Some don't.

Consumer Protection's Glen Loyd says he's hearing about fake flashlights that look like the real thing but don't have all the parts hooked up. They work briefly when you buy them but die out quickly.

Loyd also includes a warning about buying the flashlights and other items on internet auction sites. One Wisconsin man purchased fifteen of these flashlights for a boy scout troop only to find out they were fake. He complained and now the seller is harassing the man through emails and calls to his home.

As always, Loyd says buyer beware and if there's a problem, contact Consumer Protection.-
fakeva090706.mp3 (351k)

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