Sierra Club launches the Power2Change campaign over the next four weeks leading up to Earth Day.

The environmental group is using this national clean energy campaign to educate the public about what is at stake in the 2008 elections. ( report )

“Wisconsin is part of a national effort focused in nine states and our aim is to make clear the contrast between the two competing visions of our energy future. One where we move forward to a clean energy economy that creates jobs, saves consumers money, and solves global warming or one where we continue the expensive polluting policies of the past.”

Chris Honecker, Conservation Organizer with the Sierra Club, says this is not a distant dream. He says energy conservation is a change that’s already under way — saving money and creating jobs, while cutting carbon emissions. Honecker says, though, there is a lack of political will and leadership right now. He says this campaign is not about endorsing — or piling-on — any one particular candidate.

“The point of this campaign is to make sure that all of the candidates are talking about that. We need candidates up and down the ticket from City Council to the President on both sides of the aisle to be making this a top priority. This is a priority for everybody in America not just for one party or another.”

Oil companies continue to reap record profits in the $100 billion range while consumers continue to pay record prices at the gas pump. Honecker says the technology exists now to move us beyond oil and coal. He says it’s as simple as wind, solar and other renewable sources of power, combined with cost-saving energy efficient buildings, cars and appliances.

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report (1:39 MP3)

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