Supporters of a statewide smoking ban are standing firm against any exemptions.
Maureen Busalacchi at Smoke Free Wisconsin says a majority of businesses and residents of Wisconsin want a smoking ban in all workplaces including taverns and bars.
But there are senate democrats who say they will not vote for a ban that includes taverns. Busalacchi says nearly seventy percent of the public wants a total workplace ban and politicians, she says, should listen to them not the Tavern League.
There's also the medical evidence Busalacchi points out. No one, she says, should have to inhale carcinogens to earn a paycheck.
The Tavern League opposes the total ban saying it would put a lot of businesses out of business but Busalacchi says there are many more business owners who want to see the state smoke free, including most of the hospitality industry.
The only compromise Smoke Free Wisconsin would entertain is the start date for all workplaces to put a ban into effect and that includes taverns and bars.