It's been five months since the WisconsinEye network launched with C-SPAN style coverage of events at the state Capitol. CEO Chris Long told a legislative panel Wednesday that feedback has been positive so far. Long says they've receive no complaints about programming, and most of the response has been encouraging.
The service is currently available to about 75-percent of households in Wisconsin, but can only be viewed by Time Warner and Charter Communications digital cable subscribers. Long says they're working to get the network on other cable networks in smaller markets statewide.
One problem facing the network is getting through to satellite providers. Long says inquiries to companies such as Dish Network and Direct TV have not yielded any responses. He says that's similar to problems faced by network similar to Wisconsin Eye in other states.
Coverage is still be made available online as well. Long says they've had nearly 4,000 unique visitors to the network site since it was launched.