For the holidays — or any time of year — you can support your local economy.
Cheryl O’Brien is the 62nd Alice in Dairyland. She says when you spend money on “Something Special from Wisconsin” products, you’ll help the state economy.
“If everyone here in Wisconsin would spend just ten cents out of every dollar on Wisconsin food products, that would help keep nearly $2-billion here in the state’s economy.”
O’Brien says consumers spend about $19-billion on food annually in the Badger State.
In addition to helping local communities, and the convenience of shopping online, “Something Special” also helps bring awareness to the variety of Wisconsin-made products. O’Brien says you can’t miss the trademark red logo on products that go beyond just cheese and butter. Over 300 different Wisconsin companies are part of “Something Special.”
Every dollar spent on such products and services supports local farmers, food processors, entrepreneurs, and local communities. O’Brien says when you see the trademark logo, at least 50% of a product’s ingredients, production, or processing activities are from Wisconsin.
“Something Special from Wisconsin” is a marketing program run by the state Agriculture Department since 1983.
Jackie Johnson (1:33)