Examples of the faded plates the state wants to replace (Photo: WisDOT)

Examples of the faded plates the state wants to replace (Photo: WisDOT)

The special license plates that helped Wisconsin celebrate its 150th anniversary in 1998 are becoming a rarity on the highways.

The state Department of Transportation says it has replaced about half of the Sesquicentennial plates, plus others that have red letters and numbers. The move is designed to help improve the visibility and safety by replacing plates with versions that have black lettering and a white background. Also, the DOT’s Mitchell Warren notes that many of the Sesquicentennial plates are now 17 years old, and have become faded and hard to read.

The state began taking those plates off the road last August. By the time the project is completed next year, about 160,000 Sesquicentennial plates will have been replaced, along with 135,000 other red-lettered plates. Motorists are being told to wait for a DOT notice before having anything replaced or renewed.

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