Wisconsin reaches a milestone in efforts to track down sex offenders who aren't complying with registration laws. The state launched the Sex Offender and Felony Enforcement (SAFE) program almost a year ago, with the goal of tracking down thousands of sex offenders who failed to register their current locations. Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton says the program is working well with the task force finding 1,019 sex offenders who failed to register their current address.
When launching the program, the state released a list of the 38 most wanted and dangerous sex offenders whose whereabouts were unknown. The state has located 26 of those individuals, and is adding another 21 to the list.
Lawton says the state is continuing its call for the public's help in locating the roughly two-thousand sex offenders who are still not complying with state law. You can view the registry online, and contact the state at 1-877-234-0085 if you have information on a non-compliant sex offender.
Related web sites:
Sex Offender Registry