Federal data shows disturbing information about jobs in Janesville. Numbers released Wednesday from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics name Janesville as having one of the nation's worst job reductions in the past year.

State Secretary of Workforce Development Roberta Gassman says the problem extends beyond General Motors workers in the company decision to cut workers. She says the impact of GM's policies is felt throughout the region with suppliers and other businesses connected to the plant.

DWD announced Tuesday it is seeking $3.8 million in Federal Employee Assistance Funds. Gassman claims Wisconsin is one of the top states in successfully competing for federal dollars for displaced workers and the state has never been turned down for those funds.

The labor chief says many levels of government are working together to bring assistance to all affected workers.

(Contributed by Beth Wheelock-WCLO)

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :54)

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