Good news in the battle against the tree killing Emerald Ash Borer.

With two hundred twenty million ash trees at risk the Ag Department and DNR launched a massive campaign to keep the Emerald Ash Borer from invading the state. Are we ash borer free?

Jane Larson of the state Ag Department says it appears we are for now. At least none of the purple kite looking traps placed around state has come up with any. And none have been found in the trees cut for that purpose.

But Larson says we can't let our guard down. That's why firewood restrictions remain in effect. No firewood can be brought into a state camping area or park if it comes from outside a fifty mile radius unless it's been purchased from a certified wood dealer.

The battle will start again next spring when the Asian beetle takes flight but so far Larson says no Emerald Ash Borers have crossed the state lines from Michigan and Illinois.

AUDIO: Jim Dick reports ( 1:15 MP3 )

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