Now that summer is on its way out, Wisconsin's tourism industry is already planning for the new season.

Wisconsinites and those who vacation here know the Badger State always has something to offer.

"On one hand I think there's a bit of maybe sadness is the word that summer's finally coming to an end. But out of the same breath, that means fall is starting."

Jerry Huffman with the state Tourism Department says fall has become a huge travel season in Wisconsin — the fast-growing season in the past four years. He points out, crowds go down after summer, so you'll find more elbow room and more bargains; and don't forget the fall foliage.

"Fall color really does generate a tremendous amount of money for the industry. The best part is the show — meaning the trees — are free, but everybody that comes here is gonna eat lunch, they're gonna fill up the car, there's people who are going to stay."

As for their advertising campaign, Huffman says there will be a seasonal change in the ads, but they'll have the same message — Wisconsin is a great place to be . He says the summer ads have more emphasis on family, while fall ads trend a little older, or are geared toward couples without kids.

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report (1:15 MP3)

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