Police say a Madison man is in custody, following a crime spree that included a stabbing in Madison, an assault in Cassville, the theft of two cars and guns, and a high speed chase. 36-year-old James Kruger was wanted for stabbing a 48-year-old man in Madison on Monday. He was also wanted for an assault in Grant County, gun theft, and for taking the driver of a cattle truck hostage before a police chase.
Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney says law enforcement had been monitoring reports of Kruger’s whereabouts and the crimes he was committing to elude other law enforcement agencies. Deputies spotted his vehicle crossing into Dane County on Highway 18/151 and started a pursuit, during which speeds topped 100 miles an hour.
Kruger’s stolen car rolled after he hit road spikes deployed near the town of Blue Mounds. He was able to escape the vehicle before it burst into flames and was then taken into custody by police.
Kruger is currently being held in the Iowa County Jail. Multiple charges are pending.