A grocery store clerk from suburban Milwaukee is charged with making a false bomb threat to seven NFL stadiums on Sunday – including Dolphins Stadium in Miami, where the Green Bay Packers are scheduled to play.

The U.S. Attorney in Newark New Jersey announced the charges this morning, against 20 year-old Jake Brahm of Wauwatosa. Richard Ruminski, Special Agent in Charge of the Milwaukee Division of the FBI, and Chief Barry M. Weber of the Wauwatosa Police Department, will issue a statement at 1:30 this afternoon at the FBI's Milwaukee office. While charges against Brahm have not been specicfied, he is scheduled to appear in federal court in Milwaukee later today.

The FBI decided Thursday that the bomb threat was a hoax. It appeared on the Internet, and said dirty bombs would explode at Sunday's NFL football games to coincide with the final day of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month. Media reports said the Milwaukee man was engaged in a writing duel with a Texas man to see which one could post the scariest terrorist threat. But the FBI and Homeland Security officials said terrorism was never involved – and they never considered the threat to be serious. Still, it”s a federal crime to make or post a bomb threat. Those convicted can get up to five years in prison.

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