The Speaker of the state Assembly is forming a special task force to examine multiple failed computer projects within state agencies. Recent state reports show nearly $170 million was wasted developing state computer systems that eventually failed. Now, a legislative task force plans to look at how to prevent it from happening again.

State Representative Phil Montgomery (R-Green Bay) will head up the effort. He says it makes sense that lawmakers should be able to give taxpayers some assurance that their money is being spent wisely.

The work will come at the same time the state is conducting a comprehensive audit of recent Information Technology projects, which is due out later this spring. Montgomery hopes the work of the task force can supplement that audit, but he also feels the legislature should take a more active role in oversight on state projects. Montgomery wants to consider possible new checks and balances to prevent IT projects from falling through.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:04)

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