A Madison teacher stages a short-lived protest over No Child Left Behind.

Madison eighth graders are taking standardized tests this week as required by the No Child left Behind Act. But one of their teachers, David Wasserman, decided to protest the Bush administration mandate by sitting in the lounge while other teachers handed out the tests.

Wasserman says students were affected at all. Everyone got a test booklet but he sat out because he feels the required tests do not accurately measure a student's progress or prove how much a child is learning.

Administrators didn't go along with him. Wasserman says he was ordered to join his colleagues or be fired. He says he feels like a vegetarian forced to eat meat.

And so,  the six year veteran teacher returned to class today to administer tests he doesn't believe in. Wasserman says since his protest, he's heard from many other teachers who feel the same way.

AUDIO: Jim Dick reports ( :59 MP3 )

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