The future of farming and rural life in Wisconsin will be revealed soon. Here's a preview.
After six statewide seminars and the input of more than 700 citizens, Tom Lyon, co-chair of the Future of Farming and Rural Life Project, says farming and rural life in Wisconsin are on the rebound.
He says farmers have learned to diversify and change with the times but there are concerns. One, the continuing loss of farmland by urban sprawl. Something citizens at hearings have said needs better planning by governments involved and compromise between developers and farmers.
Two, the lack of affordable health care for rural families. Lyon says farmers are in a business with high risk but also high premiums and high deductibles for health insurance. The governor and legislature have promised to work on that.
The Project hopes to have some recommendations for insuring the future of farming and rural life by May.
The Future of Farming and Rural Life in Wisconsin Project was initiated by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. .