It’s a piece of 21st century technology that Dick Tracy would approve of: texting crime tips has proven successful for Janesville Area Crimestoppers. “Back in March we launched the ability to submit tips via texting,” says Crimestoppers Vice President Christine Rebout. “It’s been very successful, because it just gives people another communications tool, where leaving a phone message or going to the website may not have worked.”

Rebout says officers can also return the texts and communicate with tipsters for more information. “An officer responds to that almost immediately,” she says, adding that police have had an increased volume of information and tips since the texting program begin. It’s hoped that the texting capability can be expanded. “One of our goals for the next year is really to deepen our involvent in northern Rock County,” says Rebout.

Christine Rebout (:20) AUDIO: Christine Rebout (:20 MP3)

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