At least one Republican group in Wisconsin opposes the Defense of Marriage amendment. David Huibregtse, president of the Log Cabin Republicans of Wisconsin — representing gays and lesbians whose political affiliations are with the GOP — believes support for the gay marriage amendment is far from unanimous within the party. “I think there are a lot of good Christian Republicans out there, who have family members who are gay or lesbian, who are still struggling with the way they're going to vote,” says Huibregtse.

Huibregtse says the Log Cabin Republicans want to work from inside the party, and let GOP politicians know that they expect to be dealt with fairly; “that even if the ammendment passes . . there will still be gay and lesbian families in the state.”

Huibregtse says the second portion of the amendment would deprive gay and lesbian families of their rights. Voters will decide the issue on November 7th.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)

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