Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson said he was not surprised to see Rebecca Dallet win the Wisconsin Supreme Court race on Tuesday.
“I thought Dallet ran a strong campaign,” he said in Rib Mountain on Wednesday. “I knew the Republicans were in trouble. I think it’s indicative of what’s taking place across the country. There’s a Democratic wave and that Democrats are much more energized.”
Thompson was in the Wausau area to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service, or WIPPS.
The former Republican governor said he believes the state of Wisconsin is very strong at the moment, but that Governor Scott Walker, will have a tough road to re-election this fall.
“The economy’s strong. There’s the highest number of people working and the lowest unemployment. The economy is good, but there’s a feeling in Wisconsin that something’s just not right. When you have that it could become a wave election,” Thompson said.