Concerns are being raised about a proposal included in the state budget to grant illegal immigrants in-state tuition rates at UW campuses.

State Senator Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) says it a ridiculous proposal and should be an outrage for many people. He says it encourages people to break the law and would end up costing the state money to support that behavior.

The measure would allow illegal aliens who graduate from state high schools to get in-state tuition rates at UW campuses. Grothman says it would give those illegal immigrants a preference over legal US citizens and shows how out of touch supporters of the measure are.

Governor Doyle has included the proposal in previous budgets, and it was removed during those attempts by the Joint Finance Committee. There's a belief the proposal has a better chance this session, with Democratic control of the Legislature. However, several Democrats are also raising questions about whether the plan is a good idea. 

AUDIO: John Colbert reports (MP3 :35)

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