Two more confirmed cases of e-coli infection in the state as the tedious process of finding the cause goes on.

Thirty-two cases so far in Wisconsin. Many of those patients had to be hospitalized. That's a concern for state health officials like Jason Helgerson who says most outbreaks result in a 10 per cent hospitalization rate but we're at 50-per cent. Helgerson says this shows how virulent this strain of e-coli may be.

There's still a warning not to eat pre-packaged spinach or pre-packaged products that contain spinach but Helgerson says they're no closer to pinpointing how or where the vegetable was contaminated.

Acting like medical detectives, investigators are doing case control studies to basically prove their theory on the source. That takes time.

Health officials may have an updated number of e-coli cases in the state later Monday afternoon.
morecoliva091806.mp3 (470k)

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