A turkey hunter is due in court October 24th, after being charged in western Wisconsin with shooting and wounding an off-duty Minnesota sheriff’s official.
Saint Croix County prosecutors say 27-year-old Anthony Cardarelli was sitting in a tree near Somerset when he heard something move in a brushy area, and shot at what he thought was a turkey. It turned out to be Washington County sheriff’s commander Jerry Cusick, who was scouting land at the time for an upcoming turkey hunt. The incident happened April 30th.
Cusick was hit at close range by nearly 60 pellets, mostly in the face and neck. He has since recovered and returned to work.
Cardarelli is from White Bear Lake Minnesota, north of Saint Paul. Officials said he did not have permission to hunt where he was. He’s charged with a felony count of second-degree reckless endangerment.
Minnesota News Network