It’s all about turnout in the finals hours leading to Election Day. Both sides in the governor’s race are urging supporters to get to the polls Tuesday – Election Day. Democrat Mary Burke was in Racine on Sunday.

“It is neck and neck among registered voters,” Burke told supporters. “The voters are out there, right? We have just go to get people to the polls. We have a lot of drop off in these mid-term elections, so we just have to make sure that people understand what’s at stake for Wisconsin.”

Republican Governor Scott Walker met with supporters on a Racine County farm on Sunday, which was also his birthday. “Go out and find at least 10 more people, ideally 10 people you haven’t talked politics about . . . and tell them how important this election is,” Walker said.

The state Government Accountability Board predicts a 57 percent voter turnout, which would be a record for a November gubernatorial election.

The last Marquette Law School Poll conducted prior to Election Day showed Walker with a lead over Burke among likely voters, 50 percentage points to 43. The margin was narrower among registered voters, with Walker at 46 and Burke at 45.

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