A new audit of the UW system is prompting many questions from lawmakers. The report released by the Legislative Audit Bureau shows a variety of concerns, such as staff not reporting sick days and vacation time. State Representative Sue Jeskewitz (R-Menomonee Falls) co-chairs the legislature's Joint Audit Committee. She says staff could be abusing lax reporting standards in order to cash in on that extra time when they retire. Unused leave time can be transferred into additional benefits.
The audit also points to the continued use of back-up positions in the university, despite officials enacting plans to eliminate the practice. Lawmakers say the practice is still occurring, just under a different name. State Senator Carol Roessler (R-Oshkosh) also raises concerns about highly-paid consultants who are basically long-term employees. She says many of those staffers are doing the same job as regular employees, but getting paid much more for the work.
The Joint Audit Committee will hold a hearing on the findings November 29th. Roessler expects system officials to explain why these practices are taking place, and what the UW will do to fix them.
uwaudit101306.mp3 (527k)