UW System President Raymond Cross

UW System President Raymond Cross

University of Wisconsin System president Ray Cross is proposing changes in three main areas in an effort to enhance quality and affordability.

Cross did not give many details during the board meeting itself, but says he’s launching a broad plan to — among other things — reduce the number of required credits to graduate; create a new approval processes for capital building projects; re-examine the need for electives and courses with lower enrollments; and create a new system wide hotline to report waste, fraud and abuse. Cross admits it won’t be easy, but says it’s the right thing to do.

If they do it right, Cross says, the result will be a stronger UW System. He says he’ll have a better idea about details of the plan within six months.

Cross presented his package of reforms to the UW Board of Regents in Madison on Friday.

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report 1:15

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