The UW's accountability report is new and improved. The University of Wisconsin System's new report, " Investing in Wisconsin's Future (PDF)," is the latest in an annual series of accountability reports.
System spokesman Dave Giroux says they've try to answer the most frequently asked questions. "For example, people are often understandably concerned about the level of administrative overhead in the University of Wisconsin," says Giroux. "We now have a section of the accountability report specifically related to that."
Good news in the report, says Giroux, includes the fact that the UW System is producing more bachelors degree graduates, using fewer taxpayer paid employees, then it did ten years ago. "To those people who are friends of the university, I think they'll be encouraged by this kind of information if they take the time to look at it," says Giroux. "To those people who are critics, I really think it will answer some of their most pressing questions."
The accountability report was first produced in 1993, at the request of the state legislature. "It was created specifically for the state legislature to demonstrate that we were being good stewards of the public tax dollar, and that really remains one of our primary goals," explains Giroux.